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Paris Photo 2023 - stand C3

Art fair

Paris Photo 2023 - booth C3

11.09.2023 - 11.12.2023

Throughout history, photography has consistently drawn inspiration from the grand themes explored in painting, such as portraiture, landscapes, and still life. Delving into nearly 150 years of photographic history, we will present the evolution of various technical processes and the representation of inanimate objects.

Like the accomplished Flemish masters of the past, certain photographers skillfully capture reality with meticulous compositions, yielding strikingly precise depictions. In contrast, others liberate themselves from the confines of the physical world, embarking on journeys to explore abstract forms, lines, colors, and textures. Through this pursuit, they create visually captivating, enigmatic, and occasionally aesthetically pleasing compositions that bear resemblance to advertising imagery.

We will present a wide range of materials, settings, lighting, and techniques, showcasing works ranging from Paul Aubry's albumen print and Robert Rauschenberg's polaroid to Robert Mapplethorpe's silver print, Ronit Porat's collage, and even Mathieu Bernard Reymond's images created using software and artificial intelligence.

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Signature | Ronit Porat, Hunting in Time

Extra muros

Book signing | Ronit Porat, Hunting in Time

11.02.2023 - 11.02.2023

Book signing of Hunting in Time published by Sternthal Books at L'Inaperçu (65, rue Beaubourg, Paris) in the presence of Ronit Porat, the photographer, and Ines Weizman, the author of the text, on Thursday November 2, 2023 from 5 pm to 7 pm.

With the collaboration of Anne Maniglier

The book is one of 20 titles shortlisted for the Prix du Livre Paris Photo - Aperture in the "first book" category.

📷 Photo by: Ian Sternthal

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vernissage | ronit porat, body clocks


opening | ronit porat, body clocks

10.25.2023 - 10.25.2023

The baudoin lebon gallery is pleased to present Body Clocks by artist Ronit Porat, in collaboration with Anne Maniglier, from Thursday, October 26th to Saturday, December 2nd.


🥂opening Wednesday, October 25th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
🗓 exhibition from Thursday, October 26th to Saturday, December 2nd.
📍 baudoin lebon, 21 rue chapon, 75003, Paris.

In collaboration with Anne Maniglier
Special thanks to Tal Yahas

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vernissage | odyssée


opening | odyssée

09.02.2023 - 09.02.2023

The baudoin lebon gallery is pleased to present Laurent Perbos' exhibition, "Odyssée," from September 2nd to October 21st, 2023.

Through the merging of antinomical signs and the interplay of unexpected references, Laurent Perbos, much like a true storyteller, invites us on an emotional journey where feelings blend within colorful and narrative arrangements, transforming each creation into a chapter of an endless book. The artist masters the art of marrying aesthetics with intent. Thus, each artwork extends an invitation to the imagination, a genuine aesthetic odyssey that transports us to new horizons.

🥂 opening, along with the 14 galleries on Chapon Street: Saturday, September 2nd,

from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

🗓 exhibition from Saturday, September 2nd, to Saturday, October 21st.

📍 baudoin lebon, 21 Rue Chapon, 75003, Paris.

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