Baudoin Lebon Gallery presents, simultaneously and for a second time, Keiji Uematsu’s and Nobuko Watanabe’s art work.
The couple’s art works had nothing in commun… except for the economy of means, the glass, the stone and the wood (Keiji Uematsu), the canvas (Nobuko Watanabe) and the simplicity of their assemblies.
At 67 years old, Keiji Uematsu splits his time between Düsseldorf, Germany, and Minoh, Japan, where he feeds his artistic explorations started 40 years ago. With patience and wisdom, he turned the space into his favorite material: invisible but indispensable element of balancing between Earth and human kind.
Keiji Uematsu mixes up, in his creations, principles of density, of inertia, of attraction, of gravity and weightlessness.
If Keiji Uematsu uses different mediums (drawings, sculptures, videos, installations), Nobuko Watanabe shows constancy in her canvas’ use. It is all about simplicity for a minimalist artiste for whom no subjective representation exists in her art works: her creations have no symbolism; they play with forms and colors avoiding emotions in the literal sense of the word.