ateliers bauret
03/07/2013 - 04/13/2013un esprit de famille ?
Jean-François BAURET / Claude BAURET-ALLARD / Isabelle BAURET / Léa KLEIN-BAURET /
Bauret. A family of creators quite simply, whether by lineage or marriage. Painting, engraving, pastel, photography, critique ? curating, design, poetry, musical composition.
It is interesting to emphasize a peculiarity that is so rich artistically. A specificity found sometimes in a more restricted way in music with Bach, Strauss, Mozart and the likes, in painting with Watteau or Brueghel, and in a fashion more similar to that of the Baurets with the ?Duchamp-Villon?, the Renoir, the Giacometti, the Belmondo or the Landowski.
I do not believe in genetic heredity as regards this creative genre. Nevertheless, it is amusing, even instructive to show this phenomenon without trying to prove it.
The interest of this exhibition consists in bringing into light the multidisciplinary and extremely positive inventiveness of a sole family, expressed through four generations.
baudoin lebon