Michel Duport, who never « leaves the canvas behind » (D. Abensour, Bronze peints, 1992 – 1993 catalogue) developed on the wall space, where paintings are usually hanged, painted volumes dispositive like those he created with Michel Wilmotte (1989) for the private rooms of Montpellier's regional hostel or those that were commissioned by the Chartreuse de Valbonne (1997) in which the wall is part of the “painting”'s composition.
Michel Duport multiplies the use of painted surfaces and point of views. He assures that the painting medium, to stay active, needs to offer a system of visions – behaviours almost, like during the Renaissance era – to the audience member in which the painter, thanks to the perspective vanishing point assigned the spectator's frontal place in relation to the painting.
Michel Duport focuses the way he affixes colour on geometrical construction. To paint is to suggest colour as an emotion, polychrome as a parade of monochromes that would be associated with the volume of the painting, the architecture.
At the end of the 1980s, the canvas kind of “inflated”; it adopted a different volume than its original rectangle shape and became an object (finally decorative and useless… But didn't paintings used to have a decorative “use”?) while keeping a metaphorical link to the painting.
The “painting/volume” often becomes a shelf on which coloured or uncoloured shapes are placed on. The possible movements of shapes parody the painter's hesitation in the canvas's construction.
Solo exhibitions
- Galerie Phosphorus et Carbon, Daegu, Séoul, Corée du Sud
- Kiasma, Castelnau-le-lez, France
- Voxel, Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris
- Back to N., Galerie Eric Linard, La Garde Adhémar, France
- Résidence villa Augustus, Dordrecht, Pays-Bas
- Nirox Foundation, Johannesburg, South Africa
- Djeziri-Bonn Gallery, Paris, France
- Peindre - glisser - fixer - poser, Djeziri-Bonn Gallery et baudoin lebon, Paris, France
- Djezeri-Bonn Gallery, Eric Linard éditions, Paris, France
- Moments d?art, Christian Aubert, Paris, France
- Les objets ne restent pas toujours à la même place, G. A. C, Annonay, France
- Newsletters from Mozambique, Elandart.com, Cultural center of Maputo, Mozambique
- Éric Linard Gallery, La Garde Adhémar, France
- Musée P.A.B, Ales, France
- Aux râpes etc., Biennial de design, Saint-Etienne, France
- C'est pas grave, contemporary art gallery, Aigues-Mortes, France
- De l'influence des formes sur la distribution du gaz, contemporary art gallery Jules Vallès, Saint-Martin d?Hères, France
- Points de vue sans chute d?eau, Esca Gallery, Milhaud, France
Group exhibitions
- India Art Fart, New Dehli, India
- Canon Gallery, Toulon, France
- KIAF, with baudoin lebon, Seoul, South Korea
- Gwangju Art Fair, Gwangju, South Korea
- Réinterprétation du réel, Beaux-arts Museum, Busan, South Korea
- L?art dans les chapelles, with Bernard Cousinier, Michel Duport et Alexandra Roussopoulos, Jean Fournier Gallery, Paris, France
- Art Busan, Busan, South Korea
- India Art Fair, New Dehli, India
- VOXEL., baudoin lebon, Paris, France
- Art center of Kergéhennec, France
- Pixi Gallery, Paris, France
- Vieille du Temple Gallery, Paris, France
- Art Élysées, with baudoin lebon, Paris, France
- Slick, Djeziri-Bonn Gallery, Linard éditions, Paris, France
- Jean Greset Gallery, Besançon, France
- Musée Réattu/sur mesures, Réattu Museum, Arles, France
- Formes et non-formes, Jacobins Museum, Morlaix, France
- Newsletters from Dalian, Elandarts.com, Dalian University, China
- Traversée d?art, Saint-Ouen, France
- Baraka, Contemporary art center, Saint-Martin d?Hères, France
- Assises sedute in opera, Delaunay Collection, Contemporary art museum, Acri, Italy
- D.A.P. Paris, France
- Art Elysées, with baudoin lebon, Paris, France
- Permutations, Valence Museum, France
- Sextet, Lönnström Art Museum, Rauma, Finland
- Vieille du Temple Gallery, Paris, France
- Nemausus, Nîmes, France
- L?art dans les chapelles, Bretagne, France
- Drapeaux, Aigues-Mortes, France
- Frédéric Moisan Gallery, Paris
- Estampes, Valence Museum, Valence, France
- Art Center, Château de Servières, Marseille, France
- Ateliers, invited artist, Bourges, France
- Nous nous sommes tant aimé, Glass-Box, Beaux-Arts national school of Paris, France
- La Sétérée, Editions, Crest, France
- Édition de gravures et catalogue, French cultural center, Tanger, Marocco
- Pointillés, Dortindegay-Regal Gallery, Arles, France
- French cultural center, Florence, Italy
- Les formes de la couleur, Contemporary art museum, Carré D'Art, Nîmes, France
- Trintignan Gallery, Montpellier, France
- ?uvres du FRAC Languedoc Roussillon, Municipal Museum, Alençon, France
- ?uvres du FRAC Languedoc Roussillon, Paul Valery Museum, Sète, France
Public orders
- Si semblables, Chartreuse de Valbonne, Gard Museum, France
- Volumes peints, lampes, meeting of national museums, France
- Espace peint, Jean-Michel Wilmotte Agency, Paris, France
- L'homme nouveau, Paris, France
- Quick, Jean-Michel Wilmotte Agency, Avignon, France
- Espaces peints, Jean-Michel Wilmotte Agency, Salons de réception, Hôtel de région, Montpellier, France
- 1%, primary School of Mas-des-Gardies, Nîmes, France
public collections
- The regional fund for contemporary art, France
- The regional fund for contemporary art, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
- The regional fund for contemporary art, Basse-Normandie, France
- Cabinet des estampes, National Library, Paris, France
- Réattu Museum, Arles, France
- Beaux-Arts Museum of Caen, France
- Valence Museum, France
- Morlaix Museum, France
- Contemporary Art Museum, Carré D'art, Nîmes, France
- Nîmes Library, France
- Art library of Caen and Grenoble, France
- B.N.P. Paribas collection, New-York, Melbourne, Singapor, Roma
- B.N.P. Paribas collection, Paris, France
- Bank Warburg collection, London, Unated Kingdom